
Baytree Residents’ Association

5th General Meeting (held 17 December 2012, 7pm at 71 Baytree Rd)

1.       New Road layout



Action:  Volunteers to form a sub group as soon as possible are needed to monitor the above. Please contact Rob by email rob.blakemore@logica.com




2.       Trees

The tree man met with Kaye and gave her a list of trees to choose from. There are now ‘T’ road markings, which are causing some concern as they are not evenly spread. Bay trees will be placed at both ends of the road, probably in planters. We can have up to 25 trees; the consensus was that this was far too many. Height preference is two thirds small trees and one third medium. Planting time is around now or next Feb/Mar.


Verity proposed a planting ceremony when the date for planting is confirmed. She suggested we invite members of the Baytree Centre, a not-for-profit women’s training centre on Brixton Road, to the opening.


Action:         Stewart and interested residents to:

a)      Decide on number of trees to plan

b)      Produce a diagram of tree groupings  and positions along the road

c)       Draw up a list of trees to plant

d)      Specify the main height


Verity to produce a flyer with tree proposals and date of next meeting.


Post meeting note: The following message was received from the tree man.

“There are services and utilities in the first half of the road, we will survey and trial to see if there are planting opportunities but I think it unlikely.

The T markings are just to show where it looks likely that trees could be planted, we would not plant all of these sites and the exact positions may be altered to suit.

We would only suggest and plant tree species that are suitable for each site, and they are pruned every three years through a cyclical maintenance programme which ensures they are maintained to a suitable size.

There will likely be some people who do not want trees and a thorough survey may cancel sites due to services and or utilities.  

We are looking to plant Bay trees at the ends of the road and possibly in containers should we not find sensible locations as they should not be planted close to properties; however there are evergreen trees that would be suitable.

Prior to any planting we would deliver consultation notices to all adjacent properties giving 14 days notice should they wish to comment.”

3.       Committee positions

·         Rob agreed to be Chairperson.  Nominated by Stewart, seconded by Alex. Agreed by all present.

·         We now need a deputy Chair. Simon said he was interested in it, but would like to consider his position and let us know in the new year.


4.       Sub-groups

a)      Tesco noise (Alex) – no progress

b)      Neighbourhood Watch (Kaye) – No one went to her house to collect freebies at the time given. Kaye handed out UV pens, curtain alarms and stickers. If you would like some of the freebies, please contact Kaye klharpo@ntlworld.com. Information from the Neighbourhood Watch Team will be uploaded to our web site soon. Signs will be put at each end of the road warning would-be thieves. Kaye agreed to continue to progress this plan on behalf of the association.

c)       Communications (Kaye, Susanne, Verity) – Need to ensure flyers are posted to residents in good time before meetings. Rob to show sub group how to upload to web site on Sunday 23 Dec, 12 noon.

d)      Trees (Stewart) – see separate item 2.

e)      Social (Alex) – Thinking about the 100 year anniversary street party theme “Food through the period”. Residents requested to send the date their house was built to Kaye at klharpo@ntlworld.com. To be added to next meeting agenda.


5.       AOB

a)      Sudbourne School proposed site adjoining Baytree Rd at Acre Lane end. Janis to provide a summary to upload to the web site.

b)      A preferential tariff on energy could be negotiated by interested residents. John to evaluate and provide a summary of how this would work.

c)       Date of next meeting - tbc