
Baytree Residents’ Association

3rd General Meeting (held 8 August 2012, 7pm at 39 Baytree Rd)


Alex 71 Mike 37
Beatriz 23 (Treasurer) Nina 2
David 13 Polly 55
Dilip 41 Rob 20 (Dep Chair)
Eva 31 (Dep Secretary) Robert 67
Ian 14 (Chair) Susie 69 (Secretary)
John 13 Verity 20
Kaye 18 (Dep Treasurer)



Jan 8 John 71
Simon 39 Mary 28
Chris & Charlotte 27 Residents at 26

1.       Residents’ Association Constitution

Ian summarised the proposed constitution and the following additional points were clarified and agreed:

2.i           One further paragraph to be added “To promote reduction of crime and anti-social behaviour”

3.a          Paragraph to read “Membership of the Association is open to all tenants, leaseholders, licencees and freeholders (and members of their households living in the area of benefit).”


Members to vote for or against .electronically via system to be notified.


Actions:             - Ian to upload final constitution on web site as soon as possible.

                          - Ian or Rob to set up electronic voting system as soon as possible.

- All members to cast their vote on the constitution by next meeting.

                          - Members not wishing to vote electronically may contact the Secretary to register their vote


2.       Sudbourne School – proposed expansion to land behind south side of Baytree Rd

The land behind the south side of Baytree Rd at the Acre Lane end is currently owned by Genesis Housing. Planning applications to Lambeth Council to build mixed housing have so far been met with refusal. There is now a possibility of Genesis doing a land swap with an ex-school site. Sudbourne School Governors are canvassing for support for this alternative use of the land.

Ian asked the table whether Baytree RA should have a representation to be involved in proceedings. It was agreed that, at this early stage, where no planning application has been made, the Association will minute that, in principle, we are in favour of the proposal notwithstanding concerns about security and responsibility for the boundary wall. Further action will not be taken until a planning application is available for public viewing.


3.       New road layout

Ian reported that initial processes are now concluded and works will commence in October as planned. The latest proposal from Kees is on the web site.


4.       Tesco

Attempts to resolve issues brought to their attention, in particular, concerns over unnecessary noise at unsocial hours have so far been met with little response.  It is proposed to set up a sub group for the purpose of liaising with Tesco management.  Alex 71 agreed to be co-ordinator for this subgroup.


Action:              - Alex to invite interested members to join the subgroup

- Alex to draft a summary of concerns and proposed plan of action by next general meeting


5.       Web site

Rob has now completed the association’s web site structure. All relevant information arising from the Association will be published on the site. It is members’ joint responsibility to create content for it.

Rob suggested the following access rights:

a)      Committee members have editing rights to all pages on the web site. Editors need to have a Google account to access the editing rights.

b)     Members nominated by Subgroup Leaders will have editing rights to their relevant pages on the web site. 

b)      Other members can contact members, or post a suggestion on the site about information for uploading

c)       Rob will provide an overview to anyone who requests it of how to edit the web site

 Thanks were given to Rob for his hard work in developing this vital information hub for the Association.


6.       Subgroups

Suggested subgroups and nominated co-ordinators are:

a)      Tesco – Alex 69

b)      Neighbourhood watch and crime – Kaye 18

c)      Communications – Ian 14 and Gayatri 41 (latter to be agreed)

d)      Trees – Ian 14


Action:                 Co-ordinators to invite members to join their subgroup


7.       AOB

a)      Ian and family are planning to be away from end 2012. A new Chair will need to be nominated at the next meeting. Rob is happy to continue as deputy Chair.

b)      Kaye has contacted Arlington Lodge RA and its Chair, Irena Kobaleska would like to be invited to the next meeting.

c)       A form of thanks to Kees for his perseverance and commitment to our cause to be discussed.

8.       Date of next meeting

    The next meeting will be on Thursday 11 October, at 7pm, at John & David’s, no.13.