Brixton Town Plans
The Brixton SPD (Supplementary Planning Document)
Plans for future expansion and improvements in Central Brixton are discussed in the Brixton SPD (Supplementary Planning Document), 2012 (currently in draft format).
The Brixton SPD aims to provide supplementary guidance to Lambeth Core Strategy Policy (PN3) for Brixton town centre and builds on the "Future Brixton Masterplan" (2009).
The Brixton SPD provides a series of interrelated strategies for the town centre. These include the Public realm / townscape strategy; Transport and Movement strategy; Energy, water and waste strategy; Housing and social infrastructure strategy; and Economic strategy.
The SPD Boundary
The clearest diagram I've been able to find to show the boundaries of the Brixton SPD area can be found below (taken from a separate document - the final page of The Brixton SPD boundary broadly covers "Brixton Town Centre" (as defined in PN3), plus two further estates.
As can be seen from the above diagram, Baytree Road sits on the South-West perimeter of the SPD area. Both exits from Baytree Road are covered by the SPD area.
Baytree Road - Acre Lane Exit
Page 21 of the Brixton SPD clearly denotes the Acre Lane exit from Baytree Road as being one of eleven "priority public realm projects" for the environment strategy, suggesting improvements may be planned very soon. The relevant diagram from page 21 is included below.
Baytree Road - Brixton Hill Exit
Page 20 highlights the Brixton Hill exit from Baytree Road (the Southen squiggly line underneath area "3") as being planned for potential redevelopment. The document states that the Lambeth Core Strategy Policy PN3 contains an overarching town-wide framework which aims to "attract investment to the Town Hall campus area (area 3) – [to be] referred to as SW2 Enterprise Centre, which will include the creation of new office accommodation and an improved public realm with scope for some additional high density residential development. Redevelopment in this area should take care to improve the environmental quality of the Porden Road area for the benefit of existing residents."
Page 32 then discusses Area 3, the "SW2 Enterprise Centre", in more detail - with the overall objectives for the area being stated as:
Creating a stronger focus of Council services to improve efficiency and the customer experience.
Improving the environment for the residential areas closest to the area.
Improving the environment along Porden Road.
Refurbishing heritage assets on site and improving links with St. Matthew’s Church
Having a clearer distinction between public and private space.
The labels 1-8 above are, somewhat surprisingly, not expanded any further in the Supplementary Planning Document. There is also no key to tell us what these numbers mean.
For ease of reference, I've included the full text relevant to the SW2 Enterprise Centre (with my own highlighting), below:-
4.4.2 Development/planning/design principles alongside illustrative plans:
Development should not rise significantly above the heights of existing buildings on the site with the existing heights of Hambrook House and the Town Hall benchmarks in this regard. In light of this, building heights for new development would typically range from 3 to 5 storeys.
New development should add interest and activity and address the street directly at pavement level.
Ensure sensitive redevelopment and infill to complete the block and support sensible building front and back relationships.
The impact on the setting of the listed Town Hall building is a key consideration. There are other heritage assets on the site which should be considered as development proposals come forward.
Strengthen activity throughout the day and evening to support safer streets.
Support comfortable public and residential environments with a clear definition between public areas and more private residential streets.
Enable a stronger connection between the various pieces of public realm in this area – encompassing Windrush Square, St. Matthew's Gardens and the Town Hall area.
4.4.3 Land use configurations and potential options:
Council operations to be housed within a refurbished Town Hall building and new office accommodation in adjacent site developments.
Opportunities for office space to be provided for local community groups to assist in the facilitation of the cooperative council objectives.
The site would also be suitable for community uses and other town centre uses on the ground floor.
Introduction of new residential development to the south of the area to support a more comfortable and sensitive relationship to existing residential on Porden Road.
Option which could be considered: Scope to either retain the existing façade on Brixton Hill as part of the Council office redevelopment or sensitively redevelop this section.
4.4.4 Capacities:
The Council needs approximately 16,000sqm of office accommodation on the site in addition to that provided with the town hall building.
Overall there is considered to be capacity for up to 28,000sqm of mixed use development across the whole area.
4.4.5 Delivery issues
The ongoing operations at the Electric Brixton venue will be an important consideration.
Phasing to take account of the decanting of other Council offices including International house.
The need to make appropriate contributions to community infrastructure requirements. This will include the requirement to contribute towards the cost of meeting the need for new school places and health facilities arising from new development in this area.
Article Abridged by Rob (#20)
For further information, see: and the document itself (via a Google Docs account) at
Lambeth's first phase of consultation on the SPD document ended on 24th September 2012. The draft SPD document (detailed below) will be presented to the December 2012 Council Cabinet. Once approved, this draft will be put on deposit for statutory public consultation for 4 weeks in January 2013. There is therefore an opportunity to make further comments during this period. The intention is to seek cabinet approval for the final document in April 2013.
Any immediate questions may be posed to Marianne (Programme Manager, Neighbourhood Regeneration, Housing, Regeneration and Environment) at