2012-05-20 (Inaugural)

Baytree Road Residents Association

1st meeting, 20 May 2012, 7pm at 14 Baytree Road



Ian 14, Nina 2, John 13, Verity 20, Rob 20, Chris 27, Beatriz 23, Gayatri 41, Jan 8, John 71, Janis 6, Kaye 18, David 13, Susanne 69, Dilip 41, Eva 39, Cllr Florence Nosegbe, Cllr Alex Holland, Kees Frederiks (Lambeth Council)



Mike 35, Ben , Cllr Steve Reed

IB may have more names to add from his mail round?


1. Constitution

KF provided constitution examples which have been considered by a few residents - and RB has drafted some proposed amendments that would amalgamate best bits of both.

Action: IB to circulate two constitution examples plus RB's suggestions to members for consideration and to gather comments and amendments via email.

My notes say Rob was going to amalgamate suggestions so far and circulate



2. Election of committee roles

 Group determined that three committee roles, plus vices were necessary and appointed as follows: 

Chair: Ian, 14

Ensures agenda is discussed and decisions made, ensures all have the opportunity to contribute to discussion, steers discussion and keeps meetings to time. First point of liaison with council. 

Secretary: Susanne, 69

Takes minutes, informs residents of when meetings are, prepares agenda with chair, deals with correspondence.

Treasurer: Beatriz, 23

Runs the account book, deals with bank account,deals with petty cash, prepares final statements, collects subscriptions or financial contributions.

Vice chair: Rob, 20

Supports the chair and sits as chairperson in their absence.

Vice secretary: Eva, 39

Supports the secretary and sits as secretary in their absence.

 Vice Treasurer: Kaye, 18

Supports the treasurer and sits as treasurer in their absence.


3. Practicalities

Meetings to take place monthly, reverting to 3-monthly (4 per year) once fully up and running.

Committee roles to be re-considered and re-elected, where necessary, on annual basis.

Whip round for refreshments at each meeting

Venue to switch at each meeting. Kees offered use of a meeting room if needed.

Action: Ian to gather names of willing hosts in spreadsheet. Rob to host next meeting.

Date to be set via doodle calendar and then fall on same day each month/ trimonthly.

Action: Ian to circulate doodle calendar to propose next meeting date w/c 15 June and determine best day for meetings

Minutes and meeting dates to be circulated by both email and mail drop

Google group to be set up for communication purposes.

Action: Rob to set up and manage google group

Should Arlington Lodge be invited to group, or should we encourage a representative at meetings? 

Action: JP/KL/DV have contacts to be passed on to IB.


4. Councillor Input

We're greatful to councillors FN & AH, who are in attendance.

FN highlighted importance of constituting ourselves as a group and believes the association will:

- allow us greater access to information and an opportunity to collectively communicate on key council events and action

- put us in a position to communicate on spending cuts

- allow us to access pots of funding for new initiatives

- give us opportunities to communicate on crime and antisocial behaviour and allow us  neighbourhood police team and safer neighbourhood panel, giving us the power to hold them to account.

Action: FN offered to send info on safer neighbourhood panel

FN offered to check re. accounts and auditing. B to co-ordinate on this as treasurer, and believes we would need to register as charity and audit accounts if dealing with 10k or over.


Action: IB to meet with Cllr Steve Reed over following week to update on intentions of BRRA and discuss involvement of cllrs in future meetings. 


5. Road update from Kees

Has suggested a smaller team continue to meet with him regarding road and make this issue based in residents association rather than council, with Kees continuing to support. 

 Longer term relationships we can build in community:

Road issues to remain a priority for residents in upcoming meetings. 

Layout consultation document to be circulated and posted on lambeth website, with aim to get as many responses as possible. Deadline for responses 29 June.

Action: All residents to consider document and respond, whether you have amendments/suggestion or you agree. 

Parking stress survey to come back in around 3 weeks time. 

Work to continue in three phases:

1. layout confirmation

2. parking and passing places

3. trees etc

Action: Mid june meeting to discuss consultation document and the parking stress survey, if data available.


6. Subgroups of the association

Suggested that subgroups should operate on key matters and interested and it is hoped that residents not at meeting would also be interested in involvement in these.  



Representatives: IB, RB, SL, KL, ET

Google group

Database of street inc skills sharing



Engaging with residents offline


Tackling isolation on street

Sharing skills and sharing items eg ecomodo

Supporting Chair in letter drops etc.


Gardening & environmental

ET: does this to be split out? so issues like tesco and acre lane holdings are dealt with separately from gardening etc as some kind of 'action' or planning group?

Representatives: IB, VO, B, CT, DV, ET


Sharing front gardens/ communal front gardening

Planting round bottom of trees eg josephine avenue



Site owned by acre lane holdings, sudbourne school/ genesis housing planning app? etc?? Planning app? Genesis housing. John (71) has info/phone number.Acre lane trucks?


Neighbourhood watch/ security 

Representatives: KL, JP, DV, GV

Car vandalisation

Meeting with police



Representatives: RB, SL, GV, DV

Centenary Street Party as per Rob's plans

Event to mark/ celebrate road change?


Road layout

Representatives: CT, CS, NQ, JB, DV

Parking and ongoing layout

Street furniture


7. AOB

BRRA unanimously expressed their gratitude over the work and support from Kees Frederiks in relation to the proposed road changes.

ET: am not putting intended action re thanks in minutes as these will be circulated to kees.

Next meeting:  Rob offered to host; date to be arranged.