
Baytree Residents’ Association

4th General Meeting held 11 October 2012, 7pm at 13 Baytree Rd


1.       Trees

·         Kees asked the us to think about what trees we would like. We have approval for up to 25 trees.

·         The area will need surveying before work starts.

·         Kees will ask a tree man to come

·         A survey will be done to vote on which trees to plant, and how many

·         We are asked to send ideas for trees to Kees to forward to the tree man


Action:  Kees to arrange date with tree man first week of November.

                All to send ideas for trees to Kees.



2.       New Road layout

·         The expected start date is delayed to the beginning of February. Residents will receive a 90-day traffic order notice letter once the date is confirmed.

·         The suggested “No left turn” sign might be a problem and will be difficult to implement. Residents at the Acre Lane end will need to observe any impact of left turning traffic from Tesco.

·         A 7.5 ton limit will be requested to stop heavy lorries using the road.

·         A convex mirror will be installed to assist cars coming out of Arlington Lodge.

·         Moving bus stop corner Acre Lane/Brixton Hill. The survey is close to completion and the decision and cost will hopefully be before Christmas.


3.       Residents’ Association Constitution

This constitution is now agreed. The voting was done via SurveyMonkey; results as follows:

For                         10

Don’t know        1


4.       Neighbourhood Watch

Kaye (co-ordinator) has received a good response from residents. A police officer will be coming to discuss registration and should be set up within a month.


5.       Brixton Plan (distributed by Stewart)

Rob has put on the web site. Both sides of BR are part of the development area. The plan is a long term view:  10-15 years.


6.       Web site

  Rob to arrange training for committee members.


7.       Chair and deputy Secretary

·         It was agreed that a new Chair would not be appointed  and Rob would to continue as acting Chair.

·         Nina volunteered to be deputy Secretary


Action:                 Co-ordinators to invite members to join their subgroup


8.       AOB

a)      The communications sub-group needs helpers, please.

b)      Rob will try to set up something on-line for sharing tradesmen contacts.


9.       Date of next meeting - The next meeting will be on Monday 26 November, at 7pm, venue tbc.

[Post meeting note: Next meeting dated as above, was not held on that date.]